who needs sticks and stones?
You hear it, right? I mean, you do if you’re my age, plus or minus five years. “Sticks and stones may break my bones but names will never hurt me!”
It’s the snappy comeback our parents taught us to sing at our frenemies when we were kids. And it worked right up until someone decided to pick up a stick or a stone.

a bills fan’s guide to the 2016 election
Okay so I guess BillsSealthis is a second political post, but in fairness the first one was more about political people—less commonly known as assholiosis. I know that sounds like an affliction, and it’s probably offensive to real afflictions, but it feels somehow more inclusive to me. So let’s run with it.

men’s league hockey and politics
Hey friends. It seems the more I get into this politics game, the more I find comparisons to hockey. Especially men’s league hockey. It’s really weird how our sport—the sport we all love and respect—would draw close comparisons to something people generally hate and don’t trust. But if you look at it through the newly enlightened and somewhat twisted mind of someone like me, the connection is there. Let me ‘splain. No. There is too much. Let me… sum up.

is it bad politics, or are all politics bad?
I don’t really want to write about politics. It kind of makes me angry.
This subject seems to suck the sense out of what otherwise would be intelligent people. At the very least, I think politics short-circuits the part of our brains that stops our mouths from saying stupid shit. Or our fingers from typing similar nonsense. Need proof? Just click your Facebook app and you’ll see a flood of it.