a new age of life
uncommon sense, simpler times michael marotta uncommon sense, simpler times michael marotta

a new age of life

Amanda Morgan asked me to write a feature article for Older Americans Month. So, I guess that makes me an older American. But, if I may borrow a retort from the Dread Pirate Roberts... “only compared to some.”

I agreed to write this because I like Mandy. Plus, it’s rare I get to write something for work that I can also republish on my personal site. And, well, I’ve encountered some very cool seniors in my life, and it feels good to tell a story or two about a few of them.

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honky tonk hockey
uncommon sense michael marotta uncommon sense michael marotta

honky tonk hockey

… one tradition I simply can’t embrace is the chorus of “You suck” and “It’s all your fault” chants that erupts across the arena when Nashville scores. Like most people who grew up playing sports, my coaches taught me the value of good sportsmanship. You cheer for your team—not against your opponent.

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howe about that!
word bacon michael marotta word bacon michael marotta

howe about that!

Okay. I know I’m late to the party on this, but I needed some time to let it sink in and really think about it. Mr. Hockey left us on June 10, 2016, but what you didn’t see—or at least I didn’t—is the typical conversation about him being one of the greatest players the game has ever seen. There’s a good reason for that. He isn’t one of the greatest. He is the greatest. He had no equal and there is no debate.

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men’s league hockey and politics
uncommon sense michael marotta uncommon sense michael marotta

men’s league hockey and politics

Hey friends. It seems the more I get into this politics game, the more I find comparisons to hockey. Especially men’s league hockey. It’s really weird how our sport—the sport we all love and respect—would draw close comparisons to something people generally hate and don’t trust. But if you look at it through the newly enlightened and somewhat twisted mind of someone like me, the connection is there. Let me ‘splain. No. There is too much. Let me… sum up.

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uncommon sense michael marotta uncommon sense michael marotta


I was five years old and didn’t own a pair of skates, but that didn’t stop me from bundling up in my snowsuit, big boots, stocking cap and gloves to join the game each morning with my cousins. We’d pull the nets—a homemade “product” my uncles made from narrow piping and chicken wire—onto our rink and just like when we played in the driveway, I’d tape on some foam rubber or strap on the plastic Mylec pads and pull my white mask (made famous by Jason in the Friday the 13th movies) right over my hat.

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