a disturbance in the force
I have to admit, I felt some butterflies stepping onto the ice with gear for the first time in eight years. I had been on skates exactly twice since my orthopedic surgeon told me to find a new hobby.

channeling vasco da gama
Let’s rewind to the beginning, to the idea of a week-long writing and yoga retreat on a farm outside Lisbon. Writing? That seems right up my alley. Sure, it’s a different kind of writing. Time-boxed. Introspective. With reading out loud to add just a pinch of terror. But okay.

in flight fuckery
This episode of the United Airlines shit show (considering the all-star level ineptness we experienced, I can’t imagine they haven’t had lots of practice at this) featured starring roles from several well-intended employees, an unlikely hero, and a cameo from the good people at TSA in Newark.

the well to hell
The sad truth—as many of us stumbled upon today—is that the road to hell isn’t paved at all. It’s a too-narrow-for-a-normal-car-rocky-lined-with-thorns-on-both-sides dirt path in the middle of fucking nowhere, Portugal.
the maine attraction
quite possibly my new favorite state and future address.
hanging by a thread: the review i didn’t post
i am officially not allowed to book airbnbs anymore. no exceptions.
breakin’ the law
I have to say I was genuinely excited as I drove down the hill into downtown Fredonia, especially when I saw the familiar sign for Mary’s Deli. Now back in my day, there was a raging debate about who had the better pizza and wings. I was in Camp Mary’s, but lots of people were on the Gina’s Pizza, Wings, and Things bandwagon.