It’s official and final. Well, I guess it won’t be “officially final” for another week or so. They give you a little grace period in case you change your mind. Kind of like a free trial, but in reverse. To see what kind of withdrawal symptoms show up. But as far as I’m concerned, it’s all over. I don’t expect any compulsion to reverse course. Not anticipating night sweats. No 20/20 hindsight. No turning back.

I was five years old and didn’t own a pair of skates, but that didn’t stop me from bundling up in my snowsuit, big boots, stocking cap and gloves to join the game each morning with my cousins. We’d pull the nets—a homemade “product” my uncles made from narrow piping and chicken wire—onto our rink and just like when we played in the driveway, I’d tape on some foam rubber or strap on the plastic Mylec pads and pull my white mask (made famous by Jason in the Friday the 13th movies) right over my hat.