there’s not enough red hot to make crow taste good
Now that I got that out of the way, I guess it’s time to end my year of near-bliss. It was probably inevitable. I mean I’m supposed to be a professional communicator, after all. That means people pay me to write stuff, but it doesn’t necessarily mean I’m good at it. That’s really up to you. Either way, I should probably be accessible on social media. More than just LinkedIn, I mean.

It’s official and final. Well, I guess it won’t be “officially final” for another week or so. They give you a little grace period in case you change your mind. Kind of like a free trial, but in reverse. To see what kind of withdrawal symptoms show up. But as far as I’m concerned, it’s all over. I don’t expect any compulsion to reverse course. Not anticipating night sweats. No 20/20 hindsight. No turning back.