the russians are meddling with my website

in fairness, this was on my old site. let’s see if they follow me here.

in fairness, this was on my old site. let’s see if they follow me here.

And it seems they are really interested in the Buffalo Bills. Or maybe it was the reference to the 2016 election that got their attention. I have to confess, I have no idea what the specific comments mean. It’s probably a cypher of some kind. Well, I guess it’s okay as long as they know…

Sorry to disappoint you, comrades… it’s just me and a bunch of words arranged in ways that sometimes elucidate the random thoughts in my head. Elucidate? How’s that for a word, Misters Kelly and Landrigan? I can’t take credit for it because I stole it from Scat Cat. Everybody wants to be a cat, after all.

I do not own this movie. All rights reserved by Disney and partners - The Aristocats (1970) Music by Floyd Huddleston & Al Rinker Lyrics by Floyd Huddleston ...

So, back to the Russians… If you’re reading and can make sense of any of my ramblings, give me a yell. Sorry, I couldn’t resist. Well, truth be told, I didn’t try very hard. I find the whole notion of “Russia meddling” to be a comedy of the absurd. Let me offer three observations, because I like things in threes.

First, our own government has gone so far as to actually topple foreign regimes and put in leaders we believe are more U.S.-friendly, so why would we think other governments wouldn’t try to influence our leadership? Especially since the two major candidates we put up there in 2016 were basically a global advertisement for our own vulnerability. And, if I had to guess, the same people who are beating the meddling drum so hard would welcome meddling if it meant removing our current POTUS from office.

Second—and I know this is an oversimplification—if we choose the leader of our nation based on a bunch of Facebook ads, we have much bigger things to worry about.

And third, we have much bigger things to worry about.

For starters, let’s try to put someone in the White House we can be proud of. I know politics is a copycat league, but if the Democrats think trotting out an Australian-rules-football-team-sized slate of candidates is a good strategy, we’re in for four more years of the Buffoon in Chief we have now. And speaking of our oversized Oompa Loompa, would the Republicans please get their heads together and find someone to challenge him in the primaries? Because I’m all out of gum. We have about 18 months, so let’s get our shit together.

End of rant and back to the Russians hacking my website… or not.

I find it somewhat bewildering and often amusing when I clean out the spam filter on my site. The Russian stuff is pretty new, but I guess it could be related to all this Mueller report hullabaloo. Won’t they be disappointed when they figure out how few people actually read my blog?

But what if it isn’t about politics at all? What if it’s really collusion with the NFL? The draft is only a week away, after all. Maybe the Russians are just closet Bills’ fans and, like me, are not-so-patiently waiting for a return to the early nineties, with a Super Bowl win this time. After all, Roger Goodell always did seem a little shady to me. Not in the same way Gary Bettman (whose general affect reminds me a little of Lord Farquaad) seems shady. But shady in a Law and Order villain kind of way.

I can’t really back that up. Sorry, Roger. I’m sure you’re a very sweet man.

But whether they like the Bills or not, I am quite certain the Russians hate the Patriots. And the Cowboys. And probably the Steelers.

The real weirdness I find when I review comments on my site is the number of offers for cut-rate auto insurance.


Show of hands… how many of you have bought car insurance because of a random comment you saw on some crazy person’s blog? Anyone? Shit, I can’t see you. You can put your hands down. But if you have bought car insurance in this way, please post below and let us know how it’s working out for you. I promise I’ll approve your comment. And then maybe you should shop around for a new policy.

Huh, so it turns out this blog was really just a bunch of rambling nonsense, but it’s missing something. Oh, I know. It’s the obligatory eighties reference… so maybe, just maybe, somewhere embedded in this blog is a coded message. You know, like in The Man with One Red Shoe? C-FAR-OGLE. Could be OGGLE.

Well that’s about all. Something for everyone. Politics. Disney. Football. Hockey. And Tom Hanks. I feel better now. Don’t you?


michael marotta

Michael Marotta started making up stories before he started school, imagining himself into his grandmother’s memories of growing up during The Great Depression and World War II. Fascinated by the people in those tales, he began to make up his own characters (and no small number of imaginary friends). He honed his craft in high school, often swapping wild stories for the answers he didn’t know to cover up the fact that he hadn’t studied.

Today, Michael’s the guy making up histories for people he sees at the airport, in restaurants or simply hanging around in his hometown of Nolensville, Tennessee. His kids are grown and most of the imaginary friends have moved on, but their spirits live in the characters and stories he creates—pieces of real people marbled with fabricated or exaggerated traits and a generous helping of Eighties pop culture.

Michael’s characters appeal to many people because they are the people we all know. They are our friends, our families and people we encounter every day. He writes for the love of writing and for the crazy old lady who raised him.


the letter z: plural


this food bully’s reign of terror must be stopped